Nikki Nicole Photo: New Orleans and Connecticut logo


Wedding season is approaching rapidly but before wedding season is what I call engagement season!

In all my services for weddings I do a Getting To Know You Session.

This is where Megan and I take the couple to a location or 2 or 3 and photograph them.
This gives us all a chance to get to know each other and be alittle more comfortable on the wedding day.

SOOOOOOO…….. last Saturday Meg and I met up with Stephanie & Nick down in Essex. We started off at the trains
and then moved on to his beach house in Westbrook. We had at the trains but when we got to the beach something
magical happened. Both Stef and Nick became very relaxed and their love for each other came out so much. It
was so assuring that their wedding day will be a snap!

Thanks Stef and Nick for spending the day with us for a little fun in the sun!

Here are a bunch of my favs:

How cute is Dylan….. he even has his own doggie bag!

love the lighting in the field I found….as help with reflector light!

NOw who says we dont work hard?

Lastly a couple killer shots Meg took!

And if those were not enough for you here is the SLIDESHOW OF STEF & NICK!