In 1999 at NUIT I had a friend who lived on the same floor as Bartosz, freshman year. Whenever he would walk by I would glance in his direction. My friend took note of this & one day, when I was visiting her (with homemade cookies from Nana) Bartosz walked by. My friend picked me up, cookies and all, and brought me down the hall to Bartosz room. My friend put me in the room, ran out and left me there with Bartosz alone! Completely embarrassed, I did the only thing I could think of doing – I offered him a cookie & then ran out! 5 years went by with hellos, goodbyes and nothing more! Until 2004 when we ended up in the same architecture class together. There must have been something in the cookies because before long we were together & here we are now – Krystle

Meet: Krystle & Bartosz

A couple of weeks ago we traveled up to Boston to hang out with Krystle & Bartosz. We meet up with them and had a full tour of Harvard, for that is where Krystle got her masters and Bartosz proposed!

We started off in Harvard Square! Let me tell you what a treat I felt as if we had our own tour guide! Krystle telling us the history and Bartosz giving us the details on the architecture!


With a love for architecture and both being architects we got to see the most amazing interior seriously take a look below!


They are so into each other they made my job easy!



This last one is my favorite from the day… not sure why but it is!


Krystle & Bartosz thanks for the tour! Next time the Margaritas are on me!

Happy Friday!

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