Nikki Nicole Photo: New Orleans and Connecticut logo


I have not blogged anything in awhile I noticed about what i have been up to!

Almost 1 year ago I joined a new gym and got on this quest of losing weight and having hopes of becoming the next oxygen magazine cover girl! In these hopes and dreams (that’s right more like dreams) I meet Merle!

This is a candid shot of Merle!

Merle was a personal trainer at my gym I currently go to and we hit it off from the start. He put up with all my complaining about one more rep in weight lifting to my cry about not losing weight. I do have to say he is an AMAZING trainer!

So in the past year I have been training with him and now Merle has opened his own variation of a gym called CROSSFIT USA. Crossfit is a national way of getting fit. It is not your conventional go on the treadmill and do a 100 reps of the same weight lift type of training. It is more of strength fitness with a cardio workout. Here is a sample warm up that you do when training with Merle.

Warm up:
500 meter row on the row machine
3 sets of 10 squats
3 sets of 10 push ups, sit ups and pull ups
another 500 meter row!

That’s just the warm up!

Then your actual workout is intense!

I have had the pleasure of traing with Merle the past couple of weeks and I LOVE IT!
If you love to lift weights but getting bored at the gym this is surely the cure! And the best part is it is not a membership gym it is a pay as you go type of place!

Anyhow last week I had the pleasure of shooting some photos for Merle of the place check it out!

Here is Merle training on guy!

I am telling you this type of workout is like no other!

So what are you waiting for give Merle a call try out a workout! I will go with you if you would like!

Tell him Nikki sent you and you will get 1 FREE WORKOUT!

Oh and he is also offering row classes on Saturday mornings also now too! His row classes are a combo of rowing and strength exercises for 30 minutes and that class will have you falling over! I PROMISE!